Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Emergency Response position at LDEQ

Louisiana DEQ has a full time Emergency Response position open. The specifics are on the LDEQ website.

Monday, July 23, 2012

NOAA Fisheries research

Deadline Aug. 9: NOAA Fisheries Seeks Proposals for Research and Development Projects that Optimize the Use of Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and off the South Atlantic States

NOAA Fisheries Southeast Region, is seeking proposals under the Marine Fisheries Initiative Program (MARFIN) for research and development projects that optimize the use of fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and off the South Atlantic states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida involving the U.S. fishing industry (recreational and commercial), including fishery biology, resource assessment, socioeconomic assessment, management and conservation, selected harvesting methods, and fish handling and processing. Approximately $2.0 million may be available in fiscal year (FY) 2013 for projects. This amount includes possible in-house projects. Actual funding availability for this program is contingent upon Fiscal Year 2013 Congressional appropriations. NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office anticipates awarding approximately ten projects that will range from $25,000 to $175,000 per year for each project (not to exceed $175,000 per year). The total federal amount that may be requested shall not exceed $175,000 for a one-year project, $350,000 for a two-year project, and $525,000 for a three-year project. Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time on August 9, 2012 to be considered for funding. Read more or submit an application.

Deadline Aug. 24: NOAA Fisheries Seeking Proposals for Cooperative Research in the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and Caribbean; $2 Million in Funding Available

The Cooperative Research Program provides opportunity to compete for financial assistance for projects which seek to increase and improve the working relationship between fisheries researchers from NOAA Fisheries, state fishery agencies, universities, and the U.S. fishing (recreational and commercial) in the Gulf of Mexico (FL, AL, MS, LA, TX), South Atlantic (FL, NC, SC, GA) and Caribbean (USVI and Puerto Rico). The program is a means of involving commercial and recreational fishermen in the collection of fundamental fisheries information in support of management and regulatory options. Proposals must address one of the priority areas. Approximately $2.0 million may be available in fiscal year (FY) 2013 for projects. Actual funding availability for this program is contingent upon FY 2013 Congressional appropriations. The NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center estimates awarding approximately eight projects that will range from $25,000 to $300,000. The average award is $150,000. Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on August 24, 2012 to be considered for funding. Read more or submit an application.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Research Fellowships in Plant Science

Research Fellowships in Plant Science within the School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (SBBS), this position is available for 5 years.

Community Conversations on Coastal Restoration

Community Conversations on Coastal Restoration
Join us for a Conversation about the Future of SW Louisiana, Coastal Restoration and Hurricane Protection
Anticipated Agenda:
Senator Landrieu’s office on RESTORE ACT
Garret Graves – State Master Plan for Coastal LA
Col. Ed Fleming – US Corps of Engineers
Environmental Economy Issues for SW LA
Question/Answer Time
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
LC Civic Center 3rd Floor – Jean Lafitte Room
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Save The Date

Thursday, July 12, 2012

PhD (or MS) student in Interdisciplinary Stormwater modeling

PhD (or MS) student in Interdisciplinary Stormwater modeling at University of Maryland College Park

Requesting applications for a PhD student to participate in an interdisciplinary project entitled "Sustainable Community Oriented Stormwater Management (S-COSM): A Sensible Strategy for the Chesapeake Bay"
sponsored by the EPA-STAR program. Outstanding M.S. candidates may also be considered. Research will focus on identifying water pollution in spatially variable urban environments and the development of a diagnostic decision support system to better prescribe effective management. Work will involve using process-based biodynamic hydrologic models to evaluate responses of urban areas to environmental stressors, but also integrate social, economic, and human health data collected by other project participants into the decision support system. The successful applicant will need a desire to consider their specific research within the broader framework of social and environmental sustainability, and clearly demonstrate interdisciplinary skills. The student will be based in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, but work closely with Co-PIs in Departments of Bioengineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture, and the School of Public Health. Applicants will also work closely with community partners given a strong community-based participatory research component to this project.

Applicants must have a M.S. in hydrology, engineering, computer modeling or relevant field. Requirements also include: a) demonstrated experience using SWAT and SUSTAIN tools of the EPA BASINS framework; b) demonstrated superior written (e.g., publications) and oral (e.g., presentations) communication skills; and c) demonstrated ability to be a committed team player. A start date of Spring, 2013 is the target. However, review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

To apply, please send the following to the email address below:  (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) statement of research interests (1 pg), and (3) names and contact information of two references familiar with your research abilities. These application materials should be sent and addressed to Dr.
Paul Leisnham (Leisnham@umd.edu) in the Dept. of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland. Paul Leisnham is attending the upcoming ESA meeting in Portland Oregon and may be able to meet with potential applicants about the project.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
(70% teaching/30% research)
We are seeking a candidate with abilities and expertise to establish a teaching program in wildlife ecology and conservation that builds on the teaching excellence of the department.  Additionally, the candidate will be expected to establish an externally funded research program focused on habitat management issues and the response of wildlife to human-altered landscapes.  An area of interest to the State is ungulate wildlife habitat management and issues related to ungulate populations in Oklahoma.  Teaching responsibilities are 4 courses per year that will include 3 undergraduate courses including wildlife management, habitat management, and a course to be determined later and 1 graduate course to be developed by the candidate based on the candidate's expertise and needs of the department.  Other responsibilities include advising and mentoring undergraduate students, involvement in the Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, recruiting and training graduate students, and serving on departmental, college, and university committees.

For more information see http://nrem.okstate.edu/WildlifeEcolCons.pdf or contact Dr. Craig Davis (craig.davis@okstate.edu).

Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management

The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM) at Oklahoma State University invites applications for a full-time, eleven-month, tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor rank.

Global Change Ecology and Management
(75% research/25% teaching)
We are seeking a candidate to research and teach global change consequences for wildlife habitats, populations and distributions.  Potential areas for research include assessing vulnerability of species and ecosystems to projected climate and land use changes, potential risks for threatened or endangered plant and animal species caused by global change, increased threat from invasive species due to habitat and land use changes, and effects on native plant and animal species due to alterations of key habitats such as prairie potholes, oak woodlands, and tall grass prairie.  The candidate is expected to establish a nationally recognized, externally funded research program in the area of natural resource management to address global change issues.  Teaching responsibilities include an undergraduate course emphasizing wildlife habitat ecology and natural resource management that integrates current and future management issues, and a graduate course in the area of the candidate's expertise.  Other responsibilities include advising and mentoring undergraduate students, recruiting and training graduate students, and serving on departmental, college, and university committees.

For more information see http://nrem.okstate.edu/Global.pdf or contact Dr. Steve Hallgren (steve.hallgren@okstate.edu).

Monday, July 9, 2012

National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration

The 6th National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration will include all aspects of coastal and estuarine habitat restoration, in all habitats, at all scales, and all regions, including the Great Lakes and international locales. The Program will encompass a wide range of issues, with special focus on the link between restoration, communities, and economies. In addition, we will feature a strong series of sessions regarding the Gulf of Mexico and its restoration. Take a moment to review this initial program list and make plans to join us in Tampa, Florida,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sr. Scientist – Analytical Wetland Ecologist

South Florida Water Management District, Everglades Systems Assessment
Section, Marsh Ecology Research Group

The Everglades Systems Assessment Section seeks an experienced wetland
ecologist with spatial analytical skills including, but not limited to,
spatial statistics, numerical models and computer simulations to assess
the effects of water quality on Everglades ecosystem responses, habitat
succession and evolution.  Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team
this position’s primary responsibilities will include conducting data
analyses to aid in the development of a science plan to improve the design
and operation of the stormwater treatment areas (STA) and  synthesizing
spatial and temporal ecological responses to evaluate the effectiveness of
restoration activities on Everglades ecosystem recovery.   Strong
ecological background and advanced statistical expertise is required.  The
qualifications for this position are a M.S. in natural sciences,
environmental science, or ecology with 6+ years experience (Ph.D.
preferred).  Excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills,
and the ability to work well within a team, are essential.

Please note, applications need to be made via the District web site.

Mark I Cook, Ph.D.
Lead Scientist
Everglades Systems Assessment
South Florida Water Management District
3301 Gun Club Rd, P.O Box 24680
West Palm Beach, FL 33416
Phone: (561) 686 8800 ext. 4539
email: mcook@sfwmd.gov

Bird technicians for water bird field study

As part of a joint research program between the U.S. Geological Survey's
Southeast Ecological Science Center and the University of Florida, we are
seeking two (2) bird technicians for a field study of water birds
(shorebirds, wading birds, waterfowl) in southern Florida. Position duties

include conducting double-observer point-count surveys, recording bird
observation and environmental data, entering data in the office, and
preparation and organization of field equipment.

Required expertise/skills:
1.      Excellent identification skills of shorebirds, wading birds,
waterfowl in all phases of plumage
2.      Raptor identification skills
3.      Ability to identify birds of the eastern U.S. by sight and sound
4.      Effective communication in English, both spoken and written
5.      Knowledge of the computer programs Excel and Word
6.      Ability to work well as part of a team or field crew

Additional skills preferred but not required:
1.      Field experience with bird identification in south Florida or
southwest Florida in particular
2.      Experience with GIS, or interest in learning
3.      Experience with data analysis and statistics, or data preparation
for statistical analyses

Field work will be done by airboat and Argo (amphibious ATV); therefore,
applicants should be able to tolerate airboat noise, Argo jarring motion,
and have the ability to walk over uneven terrain in wet or dry conditions
if necessary. Field work will require early morning hours. Some overnight
travel may be required. Working hours will vary by week. Must have a valid
motor vehicle driving license.

The duty station for this position is Davie, Florida. Field work is on the
southwest coast of Florida (Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge,
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park, Picayune Strand State Forest). The
field crew will travel to the field sites together by government vehicle.

These are two full-time positions. Starting pay is $12/hour. The positions
will run from October 2012 through May 2013. The projects are planned to
run for several years so further (year-round) employment is contingent on
continued funding and successful performance of duties.

To apply, please send your resume and a brief cover letter. The cover
letter should provide information on your skills as required for the
position, your previous experience, and information on your career goals
is encouraged. Couples are welcome to apply for the two positions.
Applications should be sent via email to: Stephanie Romanach,
sromanach@usgs.gov. (3205 College Ave., Davie FL 33314). Review of
applications will begin on 23 July 2012.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aquatic Resources Division Planning Unit Supervisor

Recruitment # 2012-06-7097
JOB CLASSIFICATION: Environmental Planner 5
SALARY RANGE: $4,648 - $6,099 per month
($4,513 - $5,922 with 3% temporary reduction)

Important Note: From July 1, 2011 through June 29, 2013 a 3% temporary salary reduction is in effect for most positions. For specific information on the Temporary Salary Reduction, go to: http://www.dop.wa.gov/CompClass/TempSalaryReduction/Pages/QAonTemporarySalaryReduction.aspx

TYPE OF POSITION: Permanent, Full-time. This position is represented by the WFSE.
Important Note: Once appointed to this position the incumbent will be required to pay union dues or other representation fees within the first 30 days of employment.
CLOSES: Open until filled. First screening after July 9, 2012.
This position serves as the lead planning consultant to the Aquatics Division and coordinates the Aquatic Reserve Program and the Aquatic Lands HCP Program. The planning Unit Supervisor coordinates the development of and implements the aquatic lands habitat conservation plan (HCP) and aquatic reserves program while leading all planning development for the Aquatics Division. The duties will require inter-program and/or interagency coordination skills.

*Facilitate the cooperative efforts of the Aquatic Reserves Program Manager and HCP Program Manager to achieve the aquatic lands management objectives and stewardship goals.
*Leads the strategic and operational planning process for the development and implementation of the aquatic lands HCP.
*Responsible for meeting agency commitments to the federal services for proper implementation of conservation measures, compliance monitoring, adaptive management, landscape planning and completing scheduled reporting to the federal services.
*Directs a team environmental planners to facilitate resolution of pertinent management issues arising from implementation of habitat stewardship and HCP implementation
*Leads the planning and implementation process for the development of a comprehensive network of Aquatic Reserves. In support of the Aquatic Reserves Program Manager and program staff, facilitates resolution of pertinent management issues arising from planning and implementation of the Aquatic Reserves Program and specific aquatic reserves management plans with Aquatic Districts, Washington Treaty Tribes, private industry, citizens, non-government organizations, local government and other interested parties.
*Manages the Planning Unit and provides guidance on policy and planning to other planning and technical staff and District staff within the Division.
*Works with the Aquatics Division Mnagement team and Executive Management to resolve major policy and legislative issues, and provide consultation on interagency coordination of highly complex policies, legal issues and proposed legislation.

*A Master's degree or above with major emphasis in aquatic land management or aquatic resource planning, five years of professional experience in aquatic land use or aquatic resource planning and program development with two of those years having acted in a supervisory role
*Demonstrated ability to facilitate resolution of pertinent management issues arising from planning activities which are complex or sensitive, involve multiple programs, and deal with major environmental issues

*Education with a specific focus on aquatic resource sciences, management, and/or regulation.
*Familiarity with the Endangered Species Act and specifically the role of Habitat Conservation Plans within the Act
*Familiarity with marine protected area use, creation and management, and specifically the Aquatic Reserve Program in Washington.
*Knowledge of the role of DNR and the management of state-owned aquatic lands.

*Must have a valid driver's license and have two years of driving experience.
*Must be at least 18 years of age at the time of hire.
*Uses personal computers (word processing and database software), local area networks, email, voicemail, and electronic scheduler.

This recruitment is open to anyone who meets the required qualifications for this position.

To be considered for this position, please submit:
*A letter of interest describing how your experience and qualifications relate to the position profile, required and desired position qualifications, and special position requirements. Please indicate in your letter of interest how you learned of this opportunity.
*At least 4 professional references including one from a current or former supervisor (if applicable) and one from a peer.
*A completed application - DNR Job Application at: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/hr_dnr_app.doc and resume.
*An online voluntary Applicant Profile Questionnaire at: http://surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=905811603129 .
(This form is not required and is submitted online. Please do not print out and send in with application materials).
The first screening will be based on information contained in your candidate materials.

Submit all materials to: dnrrecruiting@dnr.wa.gov
Electronic method preferred
OR other method to:
Melody Wolf
Department of Natural Resources
PO BOX 47033
Olympia, WA 98504-7033
NOTE: Please indicate # 2012-03-0222 in the subject line of your e-mail.
By submitting the application materials you are indicating that all information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You understand that the state may verify information and that untruthful or misleading information is cause for removal from applicant pool or dismissal if employed.

Questions? Please contact Michal Rechner at (360) 902-1075 or by email at DNRrecruiting@dnr.wa.gov.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

City of Lake Charles Planning and Development Intern

City of Lake Charles Planning and Development Intern* City of Lake Charles
Posted: Jun 28, 201
Salary Level
Desired Start Date
July 9, 2012
Approximate Hours Per Week
Travel Percentage
No Travel
Compensation Type

*If this internship is to be used to fulfill your McNeese academic curriculum requirements, you MUST contact and have prior approval by your academic department head.

This intern position is a unique opportunity to apply a wide-skill set to local government. Possible job tasks include internet researching, conducting administrative duties, writing grant proposals, conducting field work, assisting planning staff in committee support (Team Green and Beautification Committees), producing quantitative and qualitative analysis to understand and solve community issues, coordinating with other City departments and other agencies, producing sketches and renderings, graphic design (using Sketch-Up and other programs), and preparing maps and planning reports (using GIS).
Division Planning and Development

Internship/Co-op, Part-time Positions
Desired Major(s)
Natural Resource Conservation Management - BS, Management, Master of Science (Statistics), Master of Arts - English, Government, Master of Engineering (conc in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Engr Mgmt), General Bus Adminstration (concentration in Construction Mgmt), Civil Engineering, General Studies - AGS, Computer Science - BS, English - BA, History - BA, Liberal Studies - BA, Liberal Studies - BA - (concentration in Louisiana Studies), Computer Information Technology - AS, Computer Science - BS - (Statistical Computing), General Studies - BGS, Master of Science (Computer Science)

Desired Class Level(s)
Junior, Senior, Graduate Student, Alumni

Work Authorization
F1 Visa, Green Card - Permanent Resident (U.S.), H1 Visa - Employment, J1 Visa - Student, TN Visa, U.S. Citizen

Job Function
Administrative/Support Services, Architectural Services, Business Analyst/Development, Community, Computers, Software, Engineering, Environmental, Government/Political, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Landscape Contracting/Design/Horticulture, Nonprofit, Research

Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint required, excellent writing skills, experience working as a team, organizational skills, and graphic design capabilities. Experience with computer software programs such as SketchUp and GIS is preferred.

Contact Information
Claire Elizabeth Forbes
Senior Planner
326 Pujo St. - 7th Floor
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601