Thursday, May 29, 2014

EPA Pesticide Program Updates

EPA Pesticide Program Updates
 May 28, 2014
In This Update:

*1). EPA Solicits Comments on Information Collection Activities Relating to Pesticide Drift Reduction Technologies*

*2). EPA Solicits Proposals to Implement the Pesticide Regulatory Education Program for Fiscal Years 2015 Through* *2019*

EPA Solicits Comments on Information Collection  Activities Relating to Pesticide Drift Reduction Technologies 

The EPA is continuing its efforts to collect information about application technologies that can reduce pesticide spray drift. Through a Federal Register Notice, we are requesting public input on the information collection activities for our Drift Reduction Technology (DRT) Program and announcing that the required Information Collection Request (ICR) has been sent to the Office of Management and Budget for approval. 

The EPA is seeking voluntary submission of information to verify the effectiveness of application technologies for agricultural pesticide sprays, including spray nozzles, shrouds or shields, and drift reducing adjuvant chemicals for aerial or groundboom applications to row and field crops. Such information would encourage the identification and use of drift-reduction technologies that can substantially reduce drift of pesticide spray droplets from the target application site (e.g., a corn field) downwind to non-target areas. 

Use of some existing agricultural pesticide spray application equipment and related technologies can result in 1-10 percent of the applied spray drifting to down-wind areas (spray drift). Pesticide drift is a concern for the agricultural industry, regulatory authorities and the public.  It is in everyone’s interest to reduce pesticide drift: the applicator who wants to reduce waste of the pesticide product, the grower who wants the pesticide on the intended target and bystanders who want to avoid exposure to pesticides.  

The ICR is required for the EPA to be able to collect information about application technologies. Once the ICR is approved, the voluntary DRT program will provide incentives to the agricultural sector (industry and pesticide applicators) to manufacture, market and use spray application technologies/equipment, that has been verified to significantly reduce pesticide spray drift.   

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, before submitting a request for a new Information Collection Request to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval, the EPA is soliciting comments from potentially affected entities on specific aspects of the proposed information collection. Entities potentially affected by the voluntary collection activities under this ICR include pesticide application equipment manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, pesticide registrants, university researchers and others who have an interest in reducing spray drift. 

The ICR and supporting documents, including a protocol for testing technologies and a draft Web page, are available for public review and comment in docket  EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0631 [!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0631 ] at [ ]. Comments are due by June 27, 2014 on the supporting materials. 

For more information on pesticide drift, visit: 


EPA Solicits Proposals to Implement the Pesticide Regulatory Education Program for Fiscal Years 2015 through 2019

The EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, in coordination with the Office of Compliance, posted at [ ] a request soliciting proposals from eligible states, tribes, and state and tribal institutions to implement the Pesticide Regulatory Education Program (PREP) for fiscal years 2015 through 2019. 

To implement the program, the EPA expects to provide up to $535,000 annually, depending on the agency’s budget, for a total of five years.  

The EPA must receive proposals through no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on July 7, 2014. For more information on this Request for Proposals, visit:
EPA distributes its Pesticide Program Updates to external stakeholders and citizens who have expressed an interest in the agency's pesticide program activities and decisions. This update service is part of EPA’s continuing effort to improve public access to federal pesticide information. 

For general questions on pesticides and pesticide poisoning prevention, contact the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), toll-free, at: 1-800-858-7378, by E-mail at, or, by visiting their website at: ** [ ]* *

To report an environmental violation, visit EPA’s website at ** [ ]* *

For information about ongoing activities in the Office of Pesticide Programs, visit our homepage at:

Telephone 703-305-5017 or write us directly at Communication Services Branch, Office of Pesticide Programs (7506 P), US Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004-2403.

Discover DEQ

Here is the May 2014 Discover DEQ  eNewsletter, we hope you enjoy it.  Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions for stories.  Thanks.


 This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Agriculture features 20 faculty openings, 3 senior administrative positions, and 2 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Pilot Funding for New Research (PFUND) program

FY2014-15 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Pilot Funding for New Research (PFUND) program.  Proposals submitted under this
RFP are due to the Board of Regents by Thursday, June 12, 2014.   

 The RFP in PDF and the associated forms in MS Word are available on the Board's Sponsored Programs website at 

 Please be aware that although the RFP says for each P.I. to go to LOGAN and submit the proposal, proposals are to be submitted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.  Please contact Jeannie Robertson if you are interested in submitting a proposal ASAP and she will set up a time to work with you on your budget and to submit your proposal.  Because proposals must be vetted and approved by your Department Head, Dean, and the Administration prior to submittal, it is important that you have them complete a week in advance. 

 McNeese has had PFUND proposals funded in the last 5 years and you may wish to see examples of successful proposals.  

 Please contact Jeannie Robertson, Grants Coordinator, at ext. #5124 or by email at

Agricultural Administrator (Laboratory Director)

Agricultural Administrator (Laboratory Director) at Fort Pierce, Florida
The incumbent serves as Senior Science and Technology Service (SSTS) Scientist and Laboratory Director of the U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory, at Ft. Pierce, Florida.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Summer Job Opportunities Fair

A Summer Job Opportunities Fair will be held on Monday from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
in the New Ranch Atrium.

Employers will be available to discuss full- and part-time employment and
internship opportunities with students and alumni. Please encourage all
students to attend and come prepared with resumes and business cards.

A list of participating employers can be found at

If you have questions, contact the Career Services Center at ext. 5612 or