Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fwd: [SGRFP-L] Oil Spill Research Activities Clearinghouse

RE: Oil Spill Research Activities Clearinghouse


The Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have fundamentally changed research activities in the Gulf of Mexico for the immediate and long term. Federal, state, regional and research based organizations have identified the need for a database of oil spill activities. This was recently discussed at the Gulf Oil Spill Scientific Symposium and at several other meetings and workshops.

The Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant College Programs and NOAA's National Coastal Data Development Center have developed and several Gulf of Mexico regional groups are endorsing an online database to house brief descriptions of oil spill related research, monitoring, and restoration activities.

If you are conducting Gulf of Mexico oil spill related research, monitoring, or restoration activities please visit the database at: to share the activities that you have under way regardless of the funding source. The database form is very short and will take less than five minutes to complete per activity. Sharing this information will assist the Gulf of Mexico research community and others identify the work that is being completed and gaps that need to be filled.

If you are not conducting these types of oil spill activities but wish to view activities you can perform specific queries of the database at the same website. As people enter their activities the database will grow so check the site often.


Gulf of Mexico Alliance Data Management Advisory Committee

Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing SystemRegional Association

NOAA Gulf of Mexico Regional Coordination Team

EPA Gulf of Mexico Program


David L. Nieland

Manager - Operations

Louisiana Sea Grant College Program

233 Sea Grant Building

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Voice: 225-578-6373

Fax: 225-578-6331

Cell: 225-939-0577

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