Monday, October 25, 2010

Crosswalk FAQ

Crosswalks 101-Frequently Asked Questions (October 20, 2010)

1) Question: What has been done?

A. Dr. Williams hosted a meeting on October 14 at the Alumni Center. Present were representatives from the city of Lake Charles including Mayor Randy Roach, Lake Charles City Councilmen Dana Jackson and John Ieyoub, officials from the Louisiana Department of Transpiration and Development (DOTD), and representative from State Representative Chuck Kleckley’s office. Attending from McNeese were President Williams, vice presidents Dr. Daboval, Dr. Ieyoub, Mr. Eddie Meche and Mr. Richard Reid; Mr. Michael Graham, Chief Cinnamon Salvador, Dr. Toby Osburn, Mr. Richard Rhoden and Ms. Candace Townsend. Also student representation was shown by SGA President Jonathan Rutherford, SGA Vice President Matthew Theriot, SGA Treasurer Miranda Crowell, and SGA Chief Justice Daniel Dufour.

Many ideas and possible solutions were discussed during the nearly two-hour meeting including:

  • Additional crosswalks on McNeese and Common streets and Sale Road. (City and State officials agreed to conduct traffic studies and look at the feasibility of adding crosswalks.)

  • Additional traffic light on Common Street at Beauregard Road. (City officials agreed to conduct traffic studies and look at feasibility of adding a light at this intersection. There are three traffic lights on the section of Common Street between Sale Road and McNeese Street.)

  • Lower speed limits on the four major thoroughfares surrounding campus --Ryan, McNeese and Common streets and Sale Road. Road (City and State officials agreed to look at the feasibility of adding crosswalks.)

  • Improvements to existing crosswalks including restriping (painting) existing crosswalks, adding flashing lights to signage. (City officials agreed to begin work to restripe all existing crosswalks on city controlled streets around campus. City and state officials agreed to look into additional pedestrian crossing signage and flashing lights. McNeese administrators and student representatives agreed to provide partial funding if necessary.)

  • Extending the sidewalk on McNeese Street from the stadium parking lot in front of the Alumni Center to the intersection at Common Street. (City officials have begun this project and the sidewalk should be complete within two weeks.)

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  • Using crossing guards during peak pedestrian traffic periods (7:15-noon)

This is also dangerous. Two elementary school crossing guards were hit in Moss Bluff earlier this year, one sustained serious injuries and one died from his injuries.

  • Starting a shuttle bus service from the stadium parking lot to campus.

  • Constructing a skywalk/bridge across McNeese and Ryan streets.

  • Constructing a parking garage on campus.

B. McNeese officials, assisted by University Police, have conducted a pedestrian traffic flow study on a Thursday, October 7 and Friday, October 8 from the stadium parking lot to campus during 7:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.

The results showed:

  • An average of 517 students crossing McNeese and Common streets during this three-hour period.

  • Many students do not go to the corner and use the crosswalk-preferring instead to cross into traffic.

  • Most students (even those suing the crosswalks) were observed using headphones, talking on cell phones and texting while crossing the streets. One student was typing on a laptop while walking.

  • Automobiles frequently reached or exceeded the posted speed of 40 m.p.h.

C. McNeese police have increased moving traffic enforcement during peak pedestrian hours.

D. McNeese has asked the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office to increase patrols during peak pedestrian traffic hours and assist with an awareness campaign.

E. Last year, McNeese applied for a state highway grant to add and improve crosswalks and it was not funded.

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F. McNeese officials have been asking the state DOTD to create a crosswalk on McNeese Street, similar to the ones on Ryan Street, for several years. It has been studied by the state DOTD and pushed back due to budget cuts.

2) Question: What is being considered?

Lowering the speed limits on portions of Ryan, McNeese and Common streets and Sale Road to 25 mph.

Finding ways to educate students about why they should use crosswalks and crosswalk safety—including looking both ways to ensure all oncoming traffic is stopped before entering a crosswalk.

Purchasing a portable sign that would warn motorists to be on the lookout for pedestrians. This sign could be moved to different streets to get driver’s attention and matched with a portable radar detector with the sign as a speed indicator.

3) Question: Why not build a skywalk or bridge over McNeese and Common streets?

Officials are gathering information about a skywalk or bridge over exiting streets to determine cost and ADA accessibility requirements. Pedestrians would still have to walk to a designated entry point to use the sky bridge just as they have to walk to crosswalks now.

4) Question: Why not have shuttle bus services from the stadium parking lot to campus?

McNeese officials are looking at the feasibility and cost of a shuttle service.

Other universities that use a shuttle service have parking lots located much further from campus than the stadium parking lot. There is some concern that students would not want to wait for the shuttle.

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5) Question: What can be done to improve existing crosswalks?

McNeese has asked city and state officials to address restriping (painting) existing crosswalks to make them more visible, adding signage and flashing lights to crosswalks.

6) Question: How long until something (action) will be physically done?

City and state officials indicated that students should see improvements to the intersection of McNeese and Common streets before spring classes begin. Other improvements are underway or in the planning stages and results should be visible very soon and will be ongoing improvements.

7) Question: How will funding for the crosswalks be done?

The city of Lake Charles and state are responsible for improvements to roadways outside the McNeese campus. The McNeese administration and student government have offered to assist with funds to improve existing crosswalks or construct new ones.

8) Question: Should the people issued jaywalking tickets have their tickets dismissed? Also, if you think they should be dismissed should everyone that drives through a crosswalk get their tickets dismissed too? Both are illegal violations.

Jaywalking tickets are processed through the District Attorney’s Office. They can, and have been, issued by any law enforcement agency. Fines are not paid to McNeese.

The same is true for traffic violations issued to motorists. Those fines are not paid to McNeese.

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9) Question: Isn’t it a better use of money to fund a shuttle or improve crosswalks rather than spending it on something like re-landscaping the Quad?

Funding for the Quad project was dedicated by the Campus Development Committee, a student directed committee. Once the construction began, those funds could not have been re-directed. Students on the CDC have indicated an interest in possible using some of the fee for crosswalks to toward construction of a parking garage. Students on the CDC are appointed by the SGA.

10) Question: Is it feasible to add another crosswalk on Sale Road behind Hardtner Hall?

City officials are looking at all existing crosswalks on Sale Road to determine if adjustments need to be made.

11) Question: When is the next City Hall meeting for the students to go to and get city council involved?

Today, October 20, the Lake Charles City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. More information on the agenda and future meetings can be found at

12) Question:Does McNeese have statistics on exactly how many students have been hit while crossing from freshman parking?

No. Accidents may be reported to several different law enforcements agencies (Lake Charles, Sheriff’s Office or McNeese Police). Minor injuries may not be reported to law enforcement.

13) Question: What about a parking garage on campus?

McNeese is looking into the feasibility and cost to construct a parking garage. Some questions that need to be answered are: where is the best location for a parking garage, how much will the construction cost and how will we pay for it, will parking tag fees need to increase to cover surveillance cameras and security lighting

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  1. McNeese and Ryan streets are under the jurisdiction of the state Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) because they are designated state roadways.

  2. The intersection of Common and McNeese streets is under jurisdiction of the state Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD).

  1. Common Street between Sale Road and the intersection at McNeese Street is under the jurisdiction of the city of Lake Charles.

  1. Sale Road between Ryan and Common streets is jurisdiction of the city of Lake Charles.

  1. McNeese cannot construct any crosswalks; add signs or lights to existing crosswalks or stop signs or traffic lights to any streets surrounding the campus. City or state officials must agree to these improvements. McNeese can offer to provide funds to implement these improvements.

  1. During the early morning and late afternoon, the position and brightness of the sun is a factor for drivers on McNeese Street.

  1. City and state officials must consider traffic flow when considering adding traffic lights or crosswalks.

  1. City and state officials must follow traffic control codes and regulations when considering adding traffic lights or crosswalks.

Dr. Williams, SGA President Rutherford and other McNeese officials will be looking from answers and progress on providing safe paths of travel to campus from city and state officials in the next few weeks and months.

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