Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Research related to native vegetation

Research Services is currently putting together an appropriation request for funding. Although the federal government has announced no funding for federal appropriations for the next 5 year, this has happened before and only lasted one year. If the ban is lifted early, we would like to have this request already submitted. We are soliciting projects from the agriculture and natural resource areas to include as part of the appropriation request. This request would be for funding for research related to native vegetation, but would not have to be exclusive to native vegetation. Janet is very open and interested in involving as many different people and ideas as possible. The larger the number of angles approaching the central issue (native vegetation) the better the chance of funding and funding at higher levels. Budgets could include funding for costs of labor, supplies, equipment, sample analysis, travel for data collection and professional meetings, etc. For the current appropriation request, Janet would only need a brief (about 1 page) project description, preferably in laymen terms (it will be read by congressional delegation, probably not scientist/agriculture related folks). She will also need an approximate total dollar amount requested for the individual project(not a full budget). If selected, more in depth project descriptions and budgets would be needed in the future. Janet would need the one page project description and total budget estimate by February 12th. Janet and/or I would be happy to talk or meet with anyone that would like more information or would like to submit a project proposal. Feel free to e-mail me at crichmond@mcneese.edu, or call me at 475-3059 or 764-4822. Janet's e-mail address is jwoolman@mcneese.edu. Her phone number is 475-5125.

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