Monday, June 6, 2011



The 64th Annual meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute will in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We are in the process of final negotiations with a hotel and that information will be distributed and available online at the conference web page by the end of May.

Papers and posters are solicited in the following themes:
v Biology, Ecology, and Assessment of Reef Fishes
· Grouper resources biology and fisheries

· Reproductive biology of groupers and its application to management: Case studies/success

· Fish Spawning Aggregations

· Essential Fish Habitats

v Biology, Ecology, and Assessment of Invertebrate Marine Fisheries including the biology and fisheries of caracol Strombus gigas, lobster, and octopus

v Management and Socio-Economics of Marine Fisheries: Contributions on the following two topics are proposed. These are not exclusive of other subjects:

· Economic assessment of reef uses: small scale commercial, recreational fisheries, ecotourism and other services provided by the reefs ecosystems.

· Fisheries management plans: examples and perspective for the management of ecosystem in the Gulf and Caribbean area.

v Marine Protected Areas Science and Management

v Pelagic and Recreational Fisheries

v Marine Aquaculture

The poster session/reception will be on Tuesday evening, November 1, 2011.
Two special sessions are planned for the 64rd GCFI:
v Integrating Management of Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reef Ecosystems for Conservation – This Special session is sponsored by National commission of Protected Natural Areas of Mexico (Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de México).The increasing pressures on coral reef ecosystems require the adoption of more holistic management approaches, such as ecosystem-based management. A basic premise is the link between fisheries productivity and extent and health of the habitats required by key species. Stressors such as coastal development, overfishing, climate change, and other anthropogenic factors and the lack of a coastal policy can potentially negatively impact key habitats. This session seeks contributions that explore management options for protecting/enhancing the extent and health of key habitats supporting fisheries and other ecosystem services.

v Invasive Lionfish Control and Management ― This Special session is sponsored by REEF and NOAA. The presentations are targeted to managers, NGO's, and fisheries officials throughout the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The session will address relevant lionfish issues emphasizing a range of topics including: ecological and economic impacts of lionfish; lionfish control strategies and lionfish local and regional management. If you would like to participate in the workshop associated with this session, please contact the session co-hosts: Lad Akins or Dr. James Morris

Abstracts for the 64th GCFI are due 15 August 15 2011. Abstracts will be accepted in English, French, and Spanish. ALL ABSTRACTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH ENGLISH, SPANISH AND FRENCH TITLES. (Note that this is a change from previous years – abstracts are only required in one of the three languages; titles must be in all three languages.) Abstracts must not exceed 250 words (275 for Spanish and French). Abstracts must be submitted using the secure Online abstract Submission Form found in the User Portal.

Acceptance to present within an oral session requires submission of a full and complete manuscript or extended abstract in the proper format (MS word and jpg or power point figures) prior to presentation at the meeting. Poster presentations do not require submission of a manuscript (although they are enthusiastically accepted). However, students wishing to compete for the student awards and who are presenting an oral OR poster presentation are required to submit a manuscript for publication in the GCFI Proceedings at the meeting. Manuscript preparation guidelines are available online.

The Book of Abstracts will be available online in page-flipping and pdf formats; no printed Book of Abstracts will be distributed at the conference.
GCFI is offering two travel awards of $750 each to eligible students to help offset travel costs to the 64th GCFI in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The deadline for students applying for these awards is July 31 for abstracts and all supporting paperwork. Students will be notified of acceptance/rejection of their application by August 15. Complete instructions and eligibility requirements for the travel awards are on the GCFI Student Awards page. Students may apply for a travel award and for consideration for the Student Achievement Award in the same year. Students who received a Student Achievement Award at the 63rd GCFI are not eligible for a travel award to the 64th GCFI.

GCFI will offer two Student Achievement Awards which will cover all expenses to the subsequent conference. Students must meet the abstract deadline to be eligible for the Student Achievement Awards. Students wishing to be considered for these awards must indicate their interest at the time of abstract submittal on the abstract submittal form. Eligibility criteria are available on the Student Achievement Awards page. Note that a manuscript of the talk/poster must be submitted at the meeting to be eligible for this award. Students who applied for the award when submitting their abstract may withdraw from consideration of the award by the first day of the conference. Winners of these awards will be announced on Friday at the end of the conference. Please check the website ( for other Student Awards.

Registrations can be completed online via the User Portal. Early registration (until 15 September) for the meeting is US$150 ($75 for students); late registrations after 15 Sept are $200 US ($85 Student). Registrations at the door are $225. Check the GCFI website ( for registration rates for daily participation.

Everyone registering for greater than 1 day is automatically a member of GCFI and will receive a CD copy of the GCFI Proceedings from the meeting when published. Onsite registrations may be made with a credit card, check, money order, or US currency. Other arrangements may be made by contacting

Check the GCFI conference registration page for information on transportation, travel, hotel, GCFI student awards, and guidelines for submitting abstracts and manuscripts. As the meeting approaches, more information about the venue and program will be posted.

We look forward to seeing you in MEXICO in November for the 64th GCFI!

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