Thursday, February 23, 2012

Intern positions available tagging sea turtles

Intern positions (4) are available to help tag nesting sea turtles along Florida's northwest coast: May 15 through August 15, 2012.  Researchers at the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Florida have been tagging nesting sea turtles along the St. Joseph Peninsula, Florida since 1998.  We are looking for four interns to assist with this ongoing project.  Surveys occur from 9 pm to 6 am every night along a 12-km stretch of beach and are conducted primarily on ATV; however walking is often required due to high water.  Expect to walk 5-10 km every night often over wet logs, downed trees and through knee-deep water in complete darkness.  Successful candidates must be able to live and work closely with others in a remote area; be organized, reliable, and able to work independently in extremely hot, buggy and wet conditions; and have previous experience conducting field research.  The position pays $500/mo. Housing and utilities are included.  
 Because this project is conducted on military property we are unable to hire anyone who is not a US Citizen.
If interested, please send a resume and letter of interest via e-mail by to
Dr. Margaret M. Lamont
Research Biologist
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
University of Florida

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