Thursday, April 4, 2013

Louisiana Poultry Industries Educational Foundation scholarships

The Louisiana Poultry Industries Educational Foundation, Inc., will be offering scholarships on a competitive basis for students demonstrating a sincere interest in poultry. A student must meet the following requirements for eligibility: 1. Demonstrate sincere interest in poultry by one or more of the following: A. Poultry Major B. Poultry Course Enrollment C. Poultry Related Activities 2. Possess a minimum of 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. 3. Be a student in a Louisiana institution of higher learning. 4. Have completed a minimum of 15 college credit semester hours or equivalent. 5. Submit the following by the May 6, 2013 deadline: A. Application Form B. 250 Word Essay on Poultry Interest C. Three Letters of Recommendation D. Current Transcript Please print or type in the information below. Name: Social Security Number: Local Address: Home Address: Local Telephone No.: Home Telephone No.: E-mail address: Parish: High School: University Attending: Advisor: Major: Total Credit Hours Carried: Total Credit Hours Earned: Overall Grade Point Average: High School Graduation Grade Point Average: Estimated Date of College Graduation: College and/or High School Clubs, Organizations, Activities, Etc.: Awards, Honors, Scholarships and Other Recognition: Career Goals: Poultry Work Experience: Your signature below certifies that all the information stated above in this application is true and correct: Signature / Date Louisiana Poultry Industries Educational Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Application APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 6, 2013 Application Instructions: Scholarships are awarded by the foundation to qualified students on a competitive basis. The major requirements are a sincere interest in the poultry area as demonstrated by majoring in poultry, taking poultry courses, involvement in poultry related activities or other related factors. A minimum of 2.5 grade point average is required. Applicants must have completed 15 college credit semester hours or equivalent and be attending a Louisiana institution. Applicants must do the following: 1. Fill out the application form. You may use extra pages if needed. 2. Submit a 250 word essay explaining your interest in the poultry area. 3. Attach three letters of recommendation. 4. Attach current transcript. 5. Mail applications to the address below to be received by May 6, 2013. Dr. Theresia Lavergne Poultry Science 120 Ingram Hall, LSU Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

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