Friday, November 22, 2013

Ascend Leadership Training program

This is just to advise that we have an outstanding opportunity for a graduating senior.  Every year, Pilgrim’s and its parent company, JBS, set up a leadership training program for a very select group of new hires.  Participant in our Ascend Leadership Training program spend six months exploring all aspects of our business. They interact with our senior leaders, and they work on projects that give them excellent, hands-on experience before stepping into leadership positions in the company. 

In our Nacogdoches Complex, we have a spot for a Quality Assurance candidate in January.  If you are aware of a graduating senior who has the quantitative and people skills to be successful in a quality management role, please ask him or her to get in touch with me directly.  If you have questions, please also feel free to give me a call.

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