Monday, January 26, 2015

Plant identification classes

Yes, we are now in a new year and it is time for you to think about plant id classes.  I have scheduled two for April, two for May, and one for June.  There are three basic ones where we will cover all kinds of plants (wildflowers, trees, shrubs, woody vines, ferns, and grasses).  Those three are scheduled for April 14-16, May 12-14, and June 9-11.  There is a wetland plant id class for April 28-30 and a graminoid for May 19-21.   We will cover all kinds of wetland plant species (wildflowers, trees, shrubs, woody vines, ferns, and grasses) and will travel more than the other classes in order to visit different wetlands.  The graminoid class will cover grasses, sedge, and rushes.  Each class is $200 for three days and lots of handouts and lots of hikes and some slide shows.  We offer a reduced rate of $150 for students.  You can commute or camp or stay in Allen Acres B and B.  Lots of after hour activities including moth lights, firefly counting, night sky, bon fires, and ?.  We have to limit each class to ten and it will be first come first serve.  Actually, there are only nine slots left in the April 14 and also in the May 12 basic classes.  You can print this form, complete and mail with check or use paypal to  You can also email to save a space.   Also, please pass the word onto others and if they or you have questions, please email Dr. Charles Allen

The form is here.

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