Thursday, February 18, 2016

State of the Coast 2016

Early-Bird Registration Continues – Save $50 on Admission!

State of the Coast 2016 is committed to offering a robust, comprehensive conference at an easily affordable price.  Our Early-Bird Registration is now open, but time is running short. For professionals, the three-day price is only $410 and for students, it’s only $160. Early-Bird Registration continues until Sunday, April 3.  Afterwards, registration will be $460 for professionals and $210 for students.  Your registration includes entry into all of our daily sessions and events, morning and afternoon networking breaks, lunches, an opening reception Wednesday night, as well as a Happy Hour Poster Session Thursday night.  This is an incredible value for a three-day conference in one of the world’s most exciting cities--New Orleans.

What if you can’t make it for all three days? Don’t worry! For the first time, State of the Coast is offering a one-day rate. For professionals, the one-day early registration rate is $250. For students, the one-day early registration rate is only $95. So if you can’t make if for the entire conference you can still be a part of SOC16. Take advantage of our early-bird registration price by signing up today!

SOC16: Calling All Students!

Student Scholarships will be offered to a limited number of qualified undergraduate or graduate students who have submitted abstracts for oral or poster presentations by the deadline (November 30th, 2015). A Student Scholarship covers registration fee for the conference and includes admission to all oral and poster sessions, exhibits, breaks, luncheons, the Opening Reception, and Poster Session Happy Hour. Click Here to apply for a Student Scholarship.

Student Worker Positions give students the opportunity to volunteer for 6 – 8 hours in exchange for conference registration, which also includes admission to all oral and poster sessions, exhibits, breaks, luncheons, the Opening Reception, and Poster Session Happy Hour. Click here to apply for a Student Worker Award.

In order to be eligible for either a Scholarship or a Worker Position, you must be enrolled as a current full-time undergraduate or graduate student, and submit your application by the deadline of March 4th, 2016. Accepted applicants will be notified on March 21st, 2016. Students can follow all of the latest SOC16 news by following us on Facebook at Students at State of the Coast ’16.

Interested in sponsoring student involvement at SOC16? We are still welcoming sponsorships for the Student Presentation Prizes at the Graduate and Undergraduate levels – if you are interested, please contact Ashley Graham at

Restoration on the Half Shell: Presentations in Non-Technical Language

This half-day program is brand new to SOC16! It offers an overview of coastal protection and restoration in Louisiana, including current plans and the progress that’s been made. Consider this a “mini-SOC16” experience. There will be two sessions of presentations and discussions in clear, non-technical language. To maximize the experience, attendees will have full access to all posters and exhibits. Continental breakfast and a coffee break in the exhibit hall and the plenary lunch will provide plenty of opportunities to network. To learn more and to register Click Here.

It’s Not Too Late for Your Business or Organization to be a Part of SOC16!

There are plenty of sponsorship opportunities remaining for SOC16, but they’re going fast. Don’t miss your chance to be an integral part of SOC16. Be seen as a leader in coastal restoration by decision makers in government and industry. To learn more about sponsorship availability simply Click Here or email Ashley Graham at

And if there is any question as to how important sponsoring SOC16 can be to your organization take a look at our latest SOC video by clicking here.

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