Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship

Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship
The Reservoir Committee (RC), a technical committee of the Southern Division AFS, created the Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship in 1997. The Scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to graduate students conducting reservoir-related fisheries research in the southeastern United States who show exceptional progress in their research, education, and professional endeavors.
At present the Jenkins Scholarship is fully sponsored by Mossback Fish Habitat. The recipient(s) of the Jenkins Scholarship receive a check for $1,000 and will be recognized at the Spring SDAFS business meeting. Typically, two $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually. The awards will be made directly to the student and not the student’s educational institution. It can be used for any aspect of the graduate education including, but not limited to, tuition, textbooks, equipment, travel or living expenses. It is not intended to replace any funding obligated to the student.
Selection criteria are based on research, education, professional and civic activities, among other things. Research and education activities can be associated with any aspect of reservoir ecosystem management. Professional activities in fishery-related student organizations, AFS Chapters, and similar organizations are desirable. Applicable public services include any voluntary activities but those pertaining to conservation and fishing are most desirable. A committee of RC members will review applications and present recommendations to the RC Chair for approval. All application materials must be received by December 1st each year.
2016 Recipients: The SDAFS Reservoir Committee is proud to recognize Clay Raines and Cole Harty as the recipients of the Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship sponsored by Mossback Fish Habitat for 2016. Clay’s M.S. research at Mississippi State University focused on the influence of shade on reservoir water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish. He currently works for the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute restoring wild populations of endangered and threatened aquatic species in the southeastern US and hopes to pursue a PhD and remain in fisheries conservation. Cole expects to graduate with his M.S. from Tennessee Tech University in December of 2016. His research centered on the use of popular catfish sampling gears in large reservoirs. The use of these gears in large reservoir systems had not been extensively studied. Upon graduation Cole plans to pursue a career as a fisheries biologist and hopes to land a job working with sport fish in large river or reservoir systems. Congratulations Clay and Cole!
Scholarship Application Process:
1.    Application materials must be received by close of business December 1. This includes the Application Form and associated documents and letter of recommendation. Application materials should be submitted via email to Please contact Jeremy to make other arrangements for application material delivery, if necessary. The RC scholarship committee chair will distribute the application packets to the review committee.
2. Fill out the Application Form.
3.  Provide a copy of your research proposal which indicates relevance to reservoir fisheries science in the southeastern United States.
4. Provide a letter of introduction and recommendation from the applicant’s major professor or faculty advisor. This letter should state how long and in what capacity they have known the applicant. In addition, the letter should address the applicant’s promise as a future fisheries scientist. It should be submitted via email to the scholarship committee chair (see info above).
5.  After the deadline has passed, the review committee will rank the compiled information for the applicants and present their selection to the RC Chair for approval. Scholarship recipients will be notified upon RC Chair approval and are encouraged to attend the Spring SDAFS meeting to present their research and be recognized.

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