Friday, March 11, 2011

Graduate Student Symposium

Dear SC&E Graduate students,

You have less than 1 week to register for the Graduate Student Symposium at the amazingly discounted price of $50!

We encourage you to attend and compete for cash prizes for first place, partake in delicious food, event shirts and free giveaways for all, and a chance to mix and mingle with students from all over the Gulf Coast! You don't even need to present to attend and have a great time!

Please sign up as soon as possible so that we can get an idea of how many students to prepare for. If the minimum number of attendees is not reached, we may possibly need to cancel the event. This would not only be a disappointment for all those who put hard work into this, but also a first for this annual symposium.

We thank you for supporting CEGO and your participation in this momentous event!

The Coast & Environmental Graduate Organization (CEGO) at Louisiana State University is proud to be hosting the 12th annual Graduate Student Symposium. We invite you and the graduate students from your school to join us from Friday, March 25 through Sunday, March 27 at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) in Cocodrie, Louisiana.

The Graduate Student Symposium has been an annual spring event since 1999, when graduate students of the University of South Alabama, the University of Southern Mississippi, and Louisiana State University joined together to create an opportunity for students in marine, biological and environmental sciences to present their research in a supportive, non-threatening environment at a cost suitable for students. Past symposia have been a great success & we are confident that this year’s event will be as well. We hope to attract attendees from universities throughout the southeast in order to widen the scope of research areas represented. Abstracts are welcome from students in any stage of their research. Both oral presentations and posters will be accepted.

This all inclusive symposium which will include two nights lodging at LUMCON, a casual dinner on Friday night and a social dinner on Saturday night, 2 breakfasts and Saturday lunch, prizes for top oral presentation and poster, as well as the opportunity for raffle prizes and free give-aways for everyone attending (T-shirt, snazy mug, re-usable RPET bags, etc.). Prices are only $50 if registered and payment post marked by March 16, otherwise $75 at the door. All those interested in presenting MUST be registered and abstracts submitted by March 16.

Registration and submission of abstracts can be done online through the link below.

Symposium directions and schedule will be updated as the time nears.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would distribute this announcement along to any graduate students, departments or universities that may be interested.

We do hope that you will join us for what is sure to be a fun and informative weekend!

Graduate Student Symposium (GSS) Committee
Louisiana State University (LSU)

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