Friday, March 18, 2011

Southern Division American Fisheries Society Symposium

The 2012 Southern Division American Fisheries Society (SDAFS) Program Committee is now soliciting proposals for either half-day or full-day special symposia sessions that can be included in the 2012 SDAFS Meeting Program in Biloxi, Mississippi. Meeting dates will be January 26-29 with symposia sessions on January 28th and 29th. Symposia may include individual presentations, panel discussions, and other innovative formats designed to achieve the organizers’ goals. Please note that oral presentations for this meeting will be 15 minutes total (12 minute talk, 3 minute question/answer period).
We have space to accommodate the following symposia:
1) Two, 12 talk symposia (half-day)
2) Two, 14 talk symposia (half-day), and
3) Two, 20 talk symposia (full-day)

The deadline for the submission of draft proposals is May 1, 2011. Proposals should state symposium title, objectives, format, amount of time required (as per above), a tentative list of speakers and topics they will cover, and a list of tentative sponsors willing to be a symposia/meeting sponsor at least at the "Silver" level ($1,000-2,500). Computers with MS Powerpoint, projectors, and screens will be provided. Sessions will be taped for IPod distribution with the consent of presenters. If additional audio-visual aids are required, they should be clearly identified in the proposal. Sponsor-funded sessions and those having broad appeal and relevance to the meeting’s theme (i.e., Fisheries in Recovery?) will receive highest priority. Meeting sponsorship levels and associated perks for sponsors can be found at:
Potential organizers will be informed by May 15, 2011 on whether their symposium was selected for inclusion in the final program. Finalization of symposium details including format, presenters, presentation order, and moderators will be expected to be completed by July 1, 2011.
Symposium presenters will submit their abstracts through the conference website beginning on August 1, 2011. Symposium titles, moderators, and presentation titles/authors will also be included in the 2012 Spring Meeting Program, and signage will be provided at the meeting indicating sponsors, symposium title, and speakers.

Please direct inquiries and submit proposals by the May 1st deadline to:
Matt Roberts
Phone: 601.559.7415

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