Thursday, October 17, 2013

Coastal Science Assistantship Program (CSAP)

The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) continues its support of a graduate assistantship opportunity called the Coastal Science Assistantship Program (CSAP).  This program provides graduate assistant stipends for up to three years to Master of Science students both enrolled full-time at Louisiana colleges/universities and involved in research relevant to Louisiana coastal protection and restoration efforts (see: THE MASTER PLAN - Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana).  The program will both expose students to CPRA activities and provide a potential avenue for recruitment of new CPRA personnel.

The Louisiana Sea Grant (LSG) College Program will administer these assistantships with funding provided by CPRA.  The assistantships will be available to all faculty pursuing appropriate coastal protection and restoration-related research at Louisiana colleges/universities to fund new, outstanding Master of Science students.  Up to fournew students will be funded each academic year based on evaluations of applications submitted by faculty members.  The annual student stipend is $25,000 for up to three years; however, CSAP funds may also be used to defray costs for graduate assistant benefits and graduate assistant tuition as necessary under the policies and procedures of the various institutions.  The total award (stipend plus benefits) will not exceed $25,000 per year for up to three years under any circumstances.  CSAP funds may not be expended on travel, supplies, equipment, or other such budget items.

Applications will be reviewed and scored by CPRA in the following five categories: Scientific Merit, Relevancy to CPRA, Originality, Body of Knowledge, and Credibility. Applications from faculty must be delivered to Matthew Bethel (see below) by 6 December 2013; a decision on award of the assistantships will be made by CPRA by 31 January 2014.  Funding should be available 1 June 2014.  Complete information on CSAP plus program requirements, examples of applications that have been selected for funding, and application procedures including conflicts of interest disclosure guidelines and requirements are available at Louisiana Sea Grant - Coastal Science Assistantship Program.   For additional information, please contact either:

Summer R.M. Langlois
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
420 Laurel Street, Suite 1200
Baton Rouge, LA  70801

Matthew Bethel
Louisiana Sea Grant College Program
232 Sea Grant Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7507

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