Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gulf of Mexico Regional RFP

MASGC would like to call your attention to a revision and supplemental information for the Sea-Level-Rise Data, Products and Tools area of the recently released Gulf of Mexico Regional RFP.

The competition website ( now has more detailed information regarding the SLR Visualization Tool and how to access the data for use.

Additionally, the contact information given in the original RFP for the Sea-Level-Rise area has changed.
Investigators are asked to contact Karl Havens, Florida Sea Grant Director, with general questions on the priorities (, 352-392-5870) and to Contact Doug Marcy for questions regarding the SLR Visualization Tool (, 843-270-7917)

At this time, there are no changes to the Coastal Storms Program or the Ecosystem Services Valuation areas of this RFP. This information only affects proposals for the Sea-Level-Rise area. All investigators are encouraged to check the website often for updates and supplemental information.

Remember, preproposals are due February 25, 2011 by 4 p.m. Central Time.

This email was sent to a slightly abbreviated version of the original RFP distribution list. Please make sure your co-investigators know of this announcement if it applies to your proposal.

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