Thursday, January 20, 2011

Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

The John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowships Program was established in 1979 to provide a unique educational experience to students who have an interest in marine/ocean/Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The program is open to all students enrolled in a graduate or professional program in a marine- or aquatic-related field at a U.S.–accredited institution of higher learning. The fellowships, over 50 were awarded for the 2010class, allow students to share their expertise with policy makers in Washington, D.C., and provide a first-hand look at how science is used in the policy arena and how decisions are made. Many Knauss fellows are offered permanent employment by their sponsoring agencies and either remain in the Washington, DC, area or are assigned to offices across the United States.

The stipend for the Fellowship is $38,000 plus an additional $9,000 for moving and travel expenses and mandatory health insurance, and $2,000 for Placement Week expenses.

Louisiana Sea Grant has assisted in sending 19 bright students to DC on Knauss Fellowships. Ms. Lauren Land (LSU School of the Coast and Environment) and Ms. Amy Scaroni (LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources) are current finalists for the Class of 2011. Again, over 50fellowships will be available for the class of 2012 (February 2012 thorough January 2013); we hope to place several young men and women among them. Students from all of Louisiana’s colleges and universities are encouraged to take advantage of this exciting program. United States citizenship is not necessary to participate in the fellowship program.

Applications for the Knauss Fellowship will be rigorously evaluated according to the following criteria:

1 Recommendations and/or endorsements of student (15 percent total): Endorsement/content of the letter from the applicant's state Sea Grant Program Director, the applicant's major professor, and the second letter of recommendation. Note: The selection committee places great emphasis on the quality and sincerity of a nominee’s letters of endorsement. Please ensure that those asked to provide letters understand their importance in the selection process.

2 Academic record and statement of career goals and objectives of student (45 percent total): Quality of the applicant's personal education and career goal statement (30 percent); Strength of academic performance (15 percent).

3 Additional relevant experiences (40 percent total) related to:diversity of education, extra-curricular activities, honors and awards, and interpersonal, written, and oral communications skills. For the Knauss Sea Grant Fellowship Program, relevant experience would be in marine or aquatic-related fields. Note: The selection committee looks very favorably on résumés that have a diversity both of volunteer and extracurricular activities and of publications and oral presentations.

Eligible graduate students must submit applications to State Sea Grant college programs. Applications from prospective fellows to the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program are due 18 February 2011.

  • Please contact your local Sea Grant Program (see below).
  • To obtain the RFP, please visit
  • Federal Funding Opportunity #: OAR-SG-2010-2001562
  • For more information, please contact

Visit either Knauss Fellowships: National Sea Grant Office: NOAA orKnauss Application Info: Sea Grant: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Louisiana Sea Grant - Fellowships for additional information on Knauss Fellowships and how to apply. You may also contact me both at 225-578-6373 and at

Please forward this message along to students who may be interested in applying for Knauss Fellowships.

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